Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cognitive Success!

Had a counseling appt. this week and was moaning about my life as usual: I'm so sad, I'm so tired, when will this end, blah, blah, blah. Therapist observed that I was not talking much about church, and seem to have let it fade into the background of my life as a persistent-but-not-urgent irritation. "That's a major cognitive success!" she proclaimed. If only I shared such enthusiasm. It doesn't feel like much, but I suppose it is a good sign.

Once it was pointed out, I realized that I have written much less about the church lately, and focused mostly on my life apart from that. It helps me a lot that Husband has gotten much better at balancing his interests and gifts in ministry with the requirements of the sr. pastor. Husband is able to enjoy and appreciate the opportunities God provides for him to care pastorally for individual people. It has never been so clear that the ability to celebrate things that are going well is a gift from God.

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Thanks for using this space to share your encouraging words.