It seems like that medical emergency should be the peak of stress for the fall, but unfortunately it isn't. We are in the middle of a mountain range, and the only way out is to keep bagging peaks. Before the hospital episode, I felt like I'd reached an emotional flatland, where I could get a handle on things. The adrenaline rush of the last few weeks destroyed that.
A hopeful sign: I have lately become acquainted with another pastor's wife with whom I have crossed paths off and on for a few years. She is a delightful person who seems to have a sense of humor about some of the parish-life issues that make me crazy.
Today is a pretty good day. Some things seem to be in order for now. My husband and I seem to be on about the same page. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow and it involves a short list with things I can cross off by the end of the day. For now, one day at a time.
I am also a pastor's wife. We have been married 20 years and he was called to pastor his first church about a year after we married. I know that it's not always an easy journey. Throughout all our difficulties, God has always been faithful. I just wanted to let you know that I care and I'm praying for you.